It is only a matter of time before most consumer banking will be done online!
But a quick look at current industry stats shows that a more critical challenge facing credi unions today... is that of re-establishing relevance in the market— by confirming our distinctive helping places.
So the first objective for your credit union's website…is to make that important distinction loud and clear. Don't be a bank.! Don't be like a bank! Don't look like a bank! Re-think your website, and make very sure the critical credit union difference comes across!
Here's what we mean: See More…
Most CU websites are little more than on-line brochures— loaded with one-way information, letting members know what accounts are available, what the rates are, etc.
But when your website IS your branch...and everything has to happen need more. Much more. You need to create, on your website, the same level of personalized, committed helping intention you have shown for years at the branch. And your members have to be able to interact with you! They have to join, order things, open new accounts, connect directly with you.
So: Q & A Forum...Blog...Reference Library...Personal Financial Management Tools... Guidebooks and Worksheets...Order Forms...Links To Outside Sources— all of this should be part of your online web program. In "techie" circles, this is called "Web 2.0". And given the way things are changing, it will soon be "Web 3.0!"
You want your website to work this way: See More…